Wednesday, 1 July 2015

CHANGES at the TOP in KLCA (w.e.f.1st July 2015)

Posted by Hon.Secretary, KLCA
( Official Announcement - Change of KLCA President )

( IA Peter Long, KLCA President for 2014/2015 Session. Resigned w.e.f. 1st July 2015 )

The KLCA wishes to announce that regretfully its President for the 2014/2015 session i.e. Kasparov Asia Foundation director, newspaper columnist and former National Champion IA FM FT Peter Long has tendered his resignation with effect from 1st July 2015. (refer Peter Long's thefidetrainer blog)

KLCA would like to put on record our sincere appreciation to IA Peter Long for his contributions to KLCA as a President in the current term and as the Organising Secretary for KLCA before assuming the presidency in 2014. Additionally, the KLCA wishes Mr. Peter Long all the best in his future undertakings and chess endeavours and may you not stop contributing towards chess in Malaysia. 

( KLCA New Acting President w.e.f. 1st July 2015, En. Mat Ropi Husein.
4th from right in picture above)

The new Acting President of KLCA effective 1st July until the next AGM will be assumed by KLCA's current Deputy President En. Mat Ropi Husein. Briefly, En. Mat Ropi used to play chess for his secondary school, college and in university. He was also in the Malaysian entourage to the 15th ASEAN+ Age Group in Macau S.A.R. last year.

KLCA looks forward to new activities and renewed optimism whilst continuing existing plans under the brand new leadership of En.Mat Ropi Husein as its helm .

KLCA wishes both IA Peter Long and En. Mat Ropi - All the Very Best, going forward.